
Welcomes to Danyrham's blog

Minggu, 26 September 2010

I love you ALLAH..

Subahannallah..Walhamdulillah..Walailahaillallah..Allahu Akbar.
Puji syukur kehadiratmu Ya Rab..yang telah memberikan Hidayah,Rahmat serta nikmat yang begitu besar. sesungguhnya engkau yang telah memberikan hikmah yang begitu besar kepada semua hambamu yang engkau kehendaki. tanpa terkecuali hambamu yang penuh hina ini.
sungguh, tak pernah hamba sesemangat ini.. rasanya jantung ini berdetak sangat kencang dan mengebuh-gebuh.
this spirit like something that mystery.. mystery from you, realy. the new Spirit for future.. the spirit for be the best .. and the spirit for new life.. all this cause you.. I think it the really..realhy big wisdom, hopefully ya Allah. this tongue can't talking anything except thankfullness 'Alhamdullillah', this mind can't thinking anything except wisdom from you. Insya Allah.. ya Allah thank you so much for all, wish you always guide me in this life.. actually, all Your Promised were true... Allahu Akbar...

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